Counting Accomplishments

Camp NaNoWriMo, day one: I didn’t feel the typical NaNoWriMo-Anticipation yesterday, but I feel it today. I couldn’t sleep, so I read two chapters of my WIP and decided what to change, what to add, what to delete. I may have forgotten what it was, but I trust my brain enough to recognise it again when I read it.

I changed my wordcount-goal last minute from 80K (complete work, counting in the 63K I’ve already written) to 20K (that I actually have to write to reach 80K).

Since I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time, I measure my works in words. It may be more accurate or meaningful to count pages, but I feel much more satisfied counting words. My sense of accomplishment tells me, that 5000 words are more than 10 pages. (I don’t know if 5K translate actually to 10 pages, or 20, but that doesn’t matter now). And I love the satisfaction it creates, when I export my 60-something-K to manuscript pages and see full of amazement, how much I actually wrote! That’s part of my reward at the end.

So, do you prefer to count pages or words? And why?

Recent Comments

  • Lissa
    April 2, 2013 - 1:54 pm · Reply

    I prefer counting words because some pages have varying amounts of words, some have breaks between paragraphs, etc…So to me counting pages isn’t as accurate. But I just started all of this so it may change later.

    • Jo Tomate
      Jo Tomate
      April 2, 2013 - 2:54 pm · Reply

      It’s all in the formatting with pages. I write with Scrivener, and when I finish a project, I export to Word with a standard manuscript format to check the number of pages, spelling, etc. That’s the most exciting moment, mostly because you wrote more than you thought 🙂

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