Well, that’s the question. What should I do?
In my previous post, I stated my goal to edit my manuscript that I wrote during NaNoWriMo 2011. There are many holes in that first draft, plot and otherwise. I’m a pantser through and through, and I’m paying for that. I get swamped, I drown in the sheer endlessness of the task ahead. Maybe next time I try something different and do an outline. For a change. But first, I got to finish this. I have to dig out those holes, find them, identify those things that just aren’t quiet right. And do research. I get the feeling I should construct an outline out of my manuscript and use it to revise that damn thing.
Gosh, it’s too late at night, and that’s probably my fatigue speaking. Before I decide anything rash, I read it trough (again). Then I print it out, read it through (again) and use some colour. Everything is going to be OK. Colour will fix it.